MD_ENG.LZH by Michael Hebert November 13, 1993 The archive contains this README and MD_ENG.RSC the English language resource file for MyDraw Version 1.1. Much of the translation is based on M.Valent's previous work on MyDraw Version 1.06. I have attempted to translate all the menu selections and main dialog boxes. The alert boxes were a bit too daunting for me since I neither speak nor read German. They seem to be mostly warnings about insufficient memory. ORCS and XXED were used to work up the translations. ORCS is a .RSC file editor and XXED is a disk file editor. Both were necessary since ORCS alone was unable to handle the job - it messed up the menu very nicely forcing me to restart. Some of the text that appears on screen in German is in the .RSC file as English. Apparently the main program has some embedded resources in it but I was unable to find them. It would be very much appreciated if someone fluent in German with a good resource file editor would attempt the final translation of this program's resources. As it stands I think you will find it workable. To use it rename MD.RSC to MD_GER.RSC then copy MD_ENG.RSC into the MyDraw folder and rename it MD.RSC. I urge everyone to register the program with the author. His name and address are in the Info box. The price is reasonable (about $35 US). Payment should be in the form of a bank draft in Deutschmarks which will cost an additional $10 to $20 depending on your banker. I added a little more to cover cost of air mail postage. Still a very cheap price for such an excellent program.